Humans of Benzie County: Female Artist

Humans of Benzie County: Female Artist

“Can you describe your art style?

“I love going outside and drawing landscapes in Benzie County. Landscape paintings are my favorite. Using many colors and short and broken brush strokes are my style. For 12 years in England, I learned oil and outdoor painting. I’ve been a painter for 45 years.”

Humans of Benzie County is an ode to the popular Humans of New York project, which has acquired more than 7 million followers in its four years online. In the words of Brandon, HONY’s founder, the project provides “daily glimpses into the lives of strangers on the streets.” The Humans of Benzie County series strives to connect the reader with the subject, expanding our connection to the community. The series is curated by Suyeon Yang, our effervescent summer intern. We hope that you enjoy this as much as Suyeon.

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Suyeon Yang

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