Frankfort Volleyball Queen Coronated

Frankfort Volleyball Queen Coronated

In honor of the Frankfort Elberta Area Schools homecoming this weekend, varsity volleyball coach Becky Miller is pleased to announce this year’s Volleyball Queen, senior Mackenna Kelly.

“This is a very humbling experience for me,” Kelly said after receiving a candy Ring Pop prize for her coronation.

The award was given after all varsity athletes competed in team and individual drills in passing, serving, showing up on time (ready by 5:30 a.m.), and of course, racing to shag stray volleyballs.

“This is the first year we crowned a Volleyball Queen for spirit week, and Mackenna shows spirit on and off the court,” Miller said.

First runner-up was Cecilia Schmitt, a junior. Second runner-up was freshman Riley Thorr.

The Lady Panthers take on the Benzie Central Huskies next Tuesday at the Frankfort gymnasium at 5:30 p.m. (Junior Varsity start).

Author Image
Jordan Bates

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